Spoleto is one of the most important town in Umbria. It occupies a striking hillside position, at the foot of Monteluco, is home to a host of fine monuments, and enjoys an international reputation. The last started with the travelers of the FGrand TOur and continues today with the cosmopolitan crowned that’s flocked to the famous Festival di Spoleto since 1958. The first settlement here was founded, probably, by the Umbri, high up where the fortress was later built: traces of the massive 4th-century.BC walls are still visible. Spoletium, founded in 241BC, became a major Roman colony, thanks partly to its proximity to the Via Flaminia, used by people traveling to Rome from the north. Spoleto later became the seat of a Lombard dukedom and than an important commune. Numerous monastic orders were established here and the town maintained its prosperity over the centuries. In 2011, Spoleto’s Tempietto del Clitunno was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.