The sight of Gubbio, built from local stone at the foot of Monte Ingino, is one of the most famous images of medieval Umbria. Founded by the Umbri, the town holds the famous Eugubine Tableys, seven bronze slabs that survived from the ancient city of Iguvium; they were engraved in the 2nd century BC with text in the local language describing rites and sacred sites. Under the Romans the town spread onto the plain, but after the Lombards invaded the people returned to the slopes, where they could defend themselves more affectively. A walled city, including the monumental Palazzo dei Consoli, was built here in the Middle Ages. At the end of the 14th century, the city, by now powerful and rich, passed to the Montefeltro of Urbino. In 1624, like the Duchy of Urbino, came under papal rule.